Monday, April 9, 2012

Relay for Life Benefit Variety Show!

Hey Bloggerdom,

This Wednesday my acting group, The Residential College Players, is having a benefit concert for Relay for Life. My improv group will be performing, so it's another chance to sneak in a live performance if you need some Minor Quest 2 juice. Also, if you're interested in performing alongside us, we're interested in any musical or comedy acts. We'll be auditioning people Monday April 9th in room AO3 in the basement of East Quad.

My major quest has been learning how to sing. I have written and am performing a song the day of the show. Anybody who would like a venue for a possible last hurrah for the Major Quest, this would be a great one.

Auditions will be from 7-10 on Monday the 9th and the show will start at 7:00pm on April 11th. If you'd like to attend we will be pre-selling tickets for 3 dollars. All of the proceeds will go to The American Cancer Society.

Please send any questions or comments along to me. I'd love to see you all there.

Chad Rhiness

1 comment:

  1. I think it's great how students at the University of michigan are participating in all these afterschool acitivities, especially the one for a good 'cause'. A few of my housemates participate in Relay for Live and formed a group to walk for cancer yesturday. Even with finals comming up, the group was commited and kept walking from 10 to 10!

    Being in America for 4 months now, I see how relatively common it is for young adults/students to volunteer or be part of something like relay for life and do something good for others without benefiting from it yourself.

    I don't think we have this in the netherlands, and it is a shame. I always saw volunteering as something that was for 'rich people' who don't have to work for money, and never thougt about the fact that it can help you grow as an person, because of the learning experience you get from it. Please keep on doing these kinds of benifits because it helps people (like me) realizing again what is really important in the world.

